Camping tarps are versitile camping shelters which are ideal for campouts. They're ultra-light weight, durable and meant for the outdoor elements.
They can be configured in a number of ways to provide the perfect shelter. They're highly water-repellent and UV-resistant.
One of the primary outdoor priorities in an evacuation scenario is to keep out of extreme elements and keep your body at a healthy temperature. Of course you can build a wilderness shelter but having one handy saves a lot of energy and brings piece of mind.
A camping tarp is a shelter system that serves as a great campout shelter. It is weather proof (wind, rain, sun) and a very light weight addition to a camping pack or bin. Compare it with the high end camping tarp system. If weight is a big issue, this could replace a tent and serve the same purpose.
Our camping tarp gets used for so many events. We use it under tents (folded), as a canopy, as a wind break, and more. When we get home we dry it out and store it with our tents and outdoor gear.
Specs not available |
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