In college I had a calculus class that was BRUTAL! My high school never got to pre calculus so this math class was insane. I needed it to apply to ...
In college we lived in Provo, UT. There is a large mountain called Mount Timpanogos located on the Wasatch Front that you can see for miles. It has...
In college, we lived in Provo, UT. Near neighboring Spanish Fork there is a trailhead that takes you to a hotsprings destination we used to call th...
As a Scout Master I got to camp with my son and his fellow scouts quite a bit as we worked on their Camping Merit Badge. We constantly sought new p...
As a kid, hunting was one of those rights of passage. We'd trek all over the mountains in search of our quarry. One big elk would fill the freezer ...
A few years back we were up at the family cabin on a warm July weekend. One night, cousin Nick was telling stories to the younger kids. As they lis...
A rancher in our area had shot a bear that had been eating his young calves. Ranchers are allowed to protect their herd so the kill was legal, etc....
We went to Farragut State Park to ride our mountain biking loop with the my daughter and the dog. There are a whole bunch of trails throughout the ...
In my younger years adventure and good decision making didn't always line up perfectly. I bought a new Toyota Tacoma and it didn't take very long t...