About ActiveOutdoorsLife.com

Active Outdoors Life

Welcome to ActiveOutdoorsLife.com

We love the outdoors! We love the trail. We love wildlife and great scenery.

120 Day Trail Challenge

In 2020 the COVID-19 virus took hold on the entire world. It forced many of us to change our lifestyles. Many of us were driven inside as public places, parks, lakes, and other venues were shutdown. 

We refused to be trapped entirely in our homes. We found outdoor sanctuaries that weren't closed down and we spent a ton of time there. We found trails where no one visited and explored all year long. Over time we found other people like us.

At the beginning of the year I set a personal goal to be on the trail 120 days of the year - that's 1 of every 3 days. By late Summer I had 120 so I moved my goal to 150, then to 180. By November I realized I could get 200 if I made it a priority. I'm a goals guy and couldn't resist. On December 31 I hiked for 3 miles with my dog and logged my 200th trail-day.

The trail was lifesaving. I was under a lot of stress from business failings related to the virus. The time in the outdoors made the stress manageable and we were able to keep fighting. 

Learn about the experience here: 120 Day Trail Challenge.

Objectives of This Site

While I've always loved the outdoors, the 2020 120 day trail goal was very educational. I learned a lot about gear and some skills. I also had some awesome adventures and got to hear a lot of great stories from other outdoor lovers. 

Great Products

Many sites are limited to market only their wholesale vendors. Because this site is an affiliate site, we can feature any product we want. We only recommend highly rated products we use, have tested, or have researched extensively. All products are 4-star or higher and have many reviews - they're proven products.

Share Great Outdoor Adventures

In 1 year we saw so many happy people! They had the coolest stories and adventures. We decided to share them here. Admittedly, we don't have photographic memories so we try to fill in the gaps a bit and in some cases we imbellish just a bit. However, all of the stories in our blog are based on true stories.

About the Editors

This site is built, managed, edited by the implementations team at Vauntium - a software company that builds marketing software for affiliates and ecommerce companies.

Much of the how-to content and catalog products are written by the Vauntium team. The blog stories are edited by our team but many of the stories are contributed from other people.

1This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.
2 As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
3 Most reviews are based on personal experience from one of our content editors. Some are based on research and the opinions of other reviewers.


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