This medium sized tactical backpack is ideal for storing and transporting your mobile outdoor gear. It can function well as a day pack as well.
The roomy military backpack has several compartments and dual zippered closure pockets including interior zip pocket and mesh pocket for added storage options to meet your demands in daily life and outdoor. 2 Main large compartments, 2 Small compartments in front, and 1 back compartment.
This tactical, military-style backpack is a great option for storing mobile outdoor gear and supplies. It has the right pockets for gear organization. It is made of high density double-stitched 600x600 Density fabric making it durable and water-resistant. The molle webbing is designed for conveniently attaching additional Molle tactical pouches or other gear. The back area & adjustable shoulder straps have ventilated mesh padded design and is breathable and comfortable. The waist strap is adjustable and removable.
Specs not available |
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